Sunday, July 6, 2008

Day 2 - Puppet Show and pics

The Lord gave us sunshine to have any kids from our neighborhood to come and watch the team do puppets, have face painting, and snacks, then playing. It took a while for kids to come, but it brought out others in my housing complex too, so we shared God's love in many ways here where we have 26 families, plus my house helper's daughter, who professes to be a muslim, brought her son for the time. So we are praising the Lord for special times.

We had Dr Michael Johnson join us for lunch at Java House today and then invited the Duncans, our Africa WGM leaders, to join us for supper. We have sung to Faith Kellermeyer twice today as she turned 18. FUN!

Enjoy "seeing" us! Thanks for praying. Keep it up!

Robyn for the Berne Team in Kenya

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