Friday, July 18, 2008

Friday evening update - Final message from Kenya

Well, today it is my turn to write the letter. It is bittersweet for me. The reason I was chosen is I am the one left behind! I am thrilled to be able to spend one on one time with my sister, but I am sending home many new friends and family members! It was a GREAT group and I think we were all blessed to be a part of it!

The day started out kinda lazy. There was no set schedule except that we were going to have lunch at Java one last time! Some of the group shopped before and after lunch (o:. We had a wonderful lunch and Antony joined us so he could spend a little bit of time with the team before they left. The rest of the afternoon was spent packing and getting things all ready to leave. Some were waiting for some special glass things to arrive, but sadly they did not arrive before they left. The vans and luggage were all packed and they headed to the airport around 6:45pm. They arrived safely at the airport at 7:30pm.

I think the time here in Kenya was a success. I think each member of the team learned a lot about Kenya, working and living as group, their relationship with God and themselves. We were all blessed to be apart of the group and I think each one of us is thankful that God allowed us to be a part of the group and thankful for each one of those who prayed and supported us.

Blessings from Kenya and as they say here

"kwaheri" or good-bye in Swahili!


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